New Year’s Eve Thanksgiving

Event details

  • 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
  • 50 Breadalbane St, Hamilton, ON L8R 3G1
除夕感恩见证(分享) 及祈禱 晚會在12月31日晚上7時30分舉行,歡迎弟兄姊妹參加,一同數算神的恩典,彼此代禱。會後備有茶點,敬請留步,互相交通和問安。而1月2日 的祈禱會將會暫停一次。 Thanksgiving and prayer meeting will be held on New Year Eve at 7:30 pm. Please come to enjoy the fellowship time and share the Lord’s blessings. Light refreshment will follow after the meeting. The regular church prayer on January 2, 2019 will be cancelled.