Income Tax Clinic

Event details

  • 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • 50 Breadalbane St, Hamilton, ON L8R 3G1

HCAC runs a free tax return clinic every year with friendly volunteers, having members help to greet visitors would be welcomed. Please inform those low-income person in need to assist for their tax returns. March 20th, April 3rd & 17th from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm. We will need helpers to assist in filling out the authoirzation forms, going over the checklist to ensure all receipts available and answering some frequently asked questions if needed. If you already sign up or plan to help, please come to the church this Sunday March 6th @12:45pm in Room 201.

2016年個人免費報稅服務:協助低收入人士報稅。請通知有需要的人士。時間:3月20日、4月3和17日,下午二時至五時。有意幫忙接待前來報稅的人士,我们将请你们帮忙填写授权表、检查报税需要文件和答疑。请已经报名和感兴趣帮忙的人,参加本周日在教会举行的简单培训(时间:12:45pm) 201室。