45th Anniversary Celebration

Event details

  • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Dear Members, Friends and Honorable Guests,

Due to worsening pandemic situation in Ontario, HCAC Board of Elders has decided to postpone the upcoming October 11 celebration of our 45th anniversary until further notice.


由於安省近日疫情嚴峻, 海宣長議會決定原定在10月11日的45週年堂慶延期舉行。 日期會容後通知。

October 11 45th anniversary thanksgiving worship will be a join section (Chinese and English) starting at 10:30am. Evening celebration program will start at 7:30pm.

10月11日45週年堂慶感恩崇拜是中英文聯合崇拜, 在10:30am開始, 慶祝晚會在7:30pm開始。

In view of the current pandemic situation, we will use Zoom to broadcast the evening calibration program on October 11 evening at HCAC worship hall. Members and friends who will not come in person can join us celebrating our 45th Anniversary on-line. Looking forward to seeing you all.

考慮到現時疫情狀況, 我們會用Zoom來轉播在10月11日晚上在海宣崇拜禮堂舉行的慶祝晚會。會友及朋友不方便親身來臨的都可以在網上與我們一起慶祝海宣的四十五週年堂慶。 期侍當天見到大家。

Dear members and friends,

Due to the COVID-19 situation, HCAC Board of Elders has decided to cancel the banquet arrangement for the 45th anniversary celebration on Oct. 11 evening. It will be replaced with an evening program without food and drinks tentatively at the church facility but could be switched to an online format if the COVID-19 situation has not improved. More details will follow.

God bless





  1. 妳來海宣多久了?
  2. 妳對海宣印象最深的壹件事?
  3. 妳最希望海宣做的壹件事?/妳最希望海宣有什麽?
  4. 妳最想要身邊的誰信主?
  5. 妳最希望自己可以透過什麽方式服侍神?
  6. 請補充這句話:“我會為海宣的______ (教导/會友的关系/…) 向神禱告。”

* 請在視頻的開頭介紹自己的名字

* 請在個較少噪音的環境下錄制




  • WhatsApp: +1-416-854-8623(Victor Wang) 或 +1-905-920-2729(Ruth Pan)
  • 郵箱: hcac45anniv@gmail.com



Dear brothers & sisters, Give thanks to God that we here at HCAC are entering our 45th anniversary! We are pretty sure you have gathered a lot of thankful memories and experiences. Why not share some of your thoughts by recording a short video of less than three minutes to answer a few questions we have prepared below? Your input is very important to the whole congregation and it will be compiled into a video presentation to be played for our 45th Anniversary Celebration. Please join us!

  1. How long have you been to HCAC?
  2. What is the one thing that impressed you most at HCAC?
  3. What is the one thing you wish to see HCAC do/have?
  4. Amongst your friends and family, who do you wish most to see become a Christian?
  5. Which way do you wish to serve the Lord most?
  6. Please end your video with a prayer commitment, “I will pray for (e.g. teaching/relationship between brothers & sisters…) at HCAC”

* Please let us know your name at the beginning.

* Please record at a quiet place.

Reference videos can be found at the link below:


Please respond before Aug 16th with one of the followings:

  • WhatsApp: +1-416-854-8623(Victor Wang) or +1-905-920-2729(Ruth Pan)
  • Email: hcac45anniv@gmail.com

Please contact us if you have questions or concerns.

Please note, by sending us your video clip, you authorise us to use and edit the video at our discretion for the purpose and within the context of producing content for HCAC’s 45th Anniversary Celebration. We thank you all for your participation!