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中文主日崇拜 (Chinese Worship service)
每主日上午10:30時舉行,並透過ZOOM Meeting轉播 直至另行通知為止
中文雙語崇拜的 Zoom 網址 。請點擊此網址參加主日崇拜
English Worship Service
English worship service will be held onsite and streamed online every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. using Zoom until further notice. First Sunday of each month is joint (trilingual) worship service.
Please click on this link to join the service (this link is for both regular English Worship services and joint worship services).
中文祈禱會 Chinese Online Prayer Meeting
Chinese prayer meetings are held online through Zoom until further notice.
週三祈禱會會在線上透過 ZOOM 進行,至另行通知為止。
Please click on this link to join the online prayer meeting
Job Openings Available (Pastoral Staff)
Click here to view posting details
Upcoming Services
Dec 15- English Service: 10:30am
- Chinese Service: 10:30am
- Joint Service: 10:30am Christmas Service
- English Service: 10:30am
- Chinese Service: 10:30am
- Joint Service: 10:30am Installation of Elders and Deacons