Hello! Welcome to the Paul Fellowship page. Paul Fellowship was founded in June 2003 and consisting mainly of immigrants from China. Most of us are skilled immigrants from 2000 to 2005, so most of the brothers and sisters in the fellowship came to Christ and were baptized between 2000 and 2005. Starting in 2020, our fellowships meetings were held online, and our three Small Groups, Luke, Grace and Pure Heart, also held their meetings online Zoom.

If you are a Mandarin-speaking Christian, or a visiting scholar, a parent of a student here, or even a school friend, we welcome you to join us at any time, to study the Bible, to have fellowship with one another, to pray for each other and to share and learn about the love of Christ in us.

If you are interested in joining us in the fellowship, please contact us at:
WeChat ID: Paul_HCAC
Or email: pikwan@cogeco.ca

你好!欢迎你点进保罗团契页面, 海宣的保罗团契成立于2003 六月份, 主要成员是来自于中国的移民, 当中以2000年到2005年那一批的技术移民居多, 所以团契内多数的弟兄姊妹信主受洗年份也多在2000年到2005年之间。从2020年开始,我们团契聚会在网上zoom进行,团契属下的三个小组分别是路加,恩典和清心小组,而三个小组的活动也在网上Zoom举行。

如果你是说普通话的基督徒,或者是访问学者, 陪读家长, 照看孙儿女的甚至是上学的慕道友等等, 我们都欢迎你随时加入我们, 共同研讨圣经, 肢体交流, 互相代祷和一起分享并学习基督彰显在我们身上的爱.
